
February 23rd, 2020

The Power of Yes!

Start with a ‘Yes’ and see where that takes you. Tina Fey. SNL.


In these seemingly ever more challenging times, there is no shortage of bad news and negative thinking, in every sphere and endeavour of society and activity.

But you can elect, if you choose, to turn your back on it all and instead of saying ‘No’, say ‘Yes’.

Yes. It’s OK to put your work out into the world.

Yes. You are capable of doing good work and making a difference.

Yes. What you are doing  is important.

Yes. You can ignore the doubting Thomases.

Yes. You can do even better.

This kind of thinking isn’t for everybody, I know, but you’re not everybody. There will always be a surplus of people eager to criticize, turn a blind eye and close off their hearts. That’s where you step in.

The ‘Yes’ crowd has always been in the minority but today there has never been a greater need for people to step up to the plate and say YES!

February 17th, 2020


No matter the environment around you, it is possible to maintain your own brand of integrity. 

Obstacles are things a person sees when she or he takes their eyes off the focus off their objective.

Victory is just over the horizon.

Getting there takes energy, courage, unfailing enthusiasm and STICKTOITNESS.

Oh, did I mention hard work?

There are no secrets…..

February 11th, 2020

Stay Curious, Stay Open

Throw your dreams into space like a kite and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new love, a new country. Anais Nin.

Life expands and you continue to grow when you choose to find the empowering meaning in your every experience or encounter.

It’s always about your attitude. To allow the magic in life to happen, staying curious and staying open is a must.

February 3rd, 2020

You Are Your Only Real Edge!

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Albert Einstein.

Whatever you’re working at, as you put January behind you, wherever you are on your journey, once in awhile it’s good to remind yourself that ultimately your success rests solely with you.

The items on this list aren’t new or original but they’ll play a big role in your success:

  1. Never stop thinking and learning..
  2. Never lose your courage nor your faith in yourself.
  3. Always make time for those you love and who love and nurture you.
  4. Be thankful for all you have.
  5. Be honest and be real.
  6. Do the right things rather than doing things right.
  7. Choose to be positive. Ignore the naysayers and the doubters.
  8. Keep fit mentally, physically and spiritually.
  9. Keep the daily events in perspective.
  10. Strive to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

The only edge you have that really separates you from your competition is you.

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.