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The feeling of being truly alive. Is that something you are looking for?


I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive
~ Joseph Campbell.


There is a huge shift going on today. Significant changes, driven by technology and globalization, are shrinking our world, altering every aspect of our lives. The global playing field is hard and fast, going ever faster, levelled out and hyper competitive. Nothing is as it was. Regardless of age or gender, in ever increasing numbers, people are taking a look at their lives, examining or re-examining their dreams and how they fit into today's new realities.

However you define and measure success, principally, there are two paths to take:

The first path is the work hard, play hard path.

You know it. Many subscribe to it. You work hard everyday, motivating yourself and others, persuading people around you to see the world from your point of view and get things done on time. You are determined and disciplined. You are always planning your next move, keeping things under control. There is never enough time to get everything done but somehow you manage. All your efforts are designed to mould reality into what mirrors yours. It takes tons of hard, unending amounts of work but, in the main, if you refuse to fail and stick with it, you will almost assuredly succeed.

But here's the thing: Unless what you are doing is truly aligned with who you are, you will continually wrestle with a quiet but profound sense of disappointment after you have succeeded. There is just the feeling that something is missing, something more that you can't quite put your finger on. It's like getting up from table after a delicious meal but still hungry.

I know that feeling well. I have walked that path, eventually finding that it simply was no longer for me. If this is the path you feel is yours, then I am probably not the right man for you. Don't get me wrong. I certainly still subscribe to the idea of of hard work, discipline and persuasion ( there are no substitutes for these values regardless of the endeavour) but now I think they act best only as supplements to your approach to life, not the driving force behind it all. And so we come to the second path.

It is this path, this approach that I want to discuss.

The second path: Decide to surrender to your heart, to what's true to you, to risk believing that your dreams are possible. When you do, you'll wake up and move through the world with a sense of passion and excitement. Of course, there will be days when you will be scared to death but your courage will see you through. You'll be engaged with life the way you haven't been for a long time - perhaps, even for the first time.

You'll find people collaborating with you because they believe in your vision. You'll be curious, open and constantly learning. One idea will effortlessly flow into another. The ensuing sense of accomplishment will propel you further ahead. Nothing will seem beyond your reach. You'll learn to trust yourself (again) and while sometimes the path forward will not always seem clear, step by step, one achievement will lead to the next.

There will be occasions when you would like to call it a day, but you know you can't because you would be letting yourself down. When you learn to read the signs, when you are going with flow, as this is sometimes called, people and events will serendipitously appear to help you.

This second method isn't for the faint of heart. There are no promises, no secrets. Real life doesn't work like that. The second path will take all the courage you can muster and help and support from those you love and who love you. It will take planning, sacrifice, huge amounts inner work, patience, discipline and unending faith in yourself. The path is at times challenging, demanding, and daunting but hey, what else is new? Nothing that's worthwhile ever comes easy.

Here's the good news: If you do the difficult part of figuring out what's true to you and align with people whose vision is aligned with yours, you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. More importantly you'll build and experience a life full of peace and contentment and one that is well worth living.

Our days are finite. There is no second time around; as far as I know, no one has reported back. If something isn't speaking to you at your core, why are you doing it? Why bother doing things that don't contribute to making you feel vivacious, joyful and loving? Why?

Time waits for no one. Sometimes life is about taking a chance, but the rewards of doing that can create opportunities that far outweigh the challenges. Dreams and goals change and evolve. You are not a slave to your old story.

Would you like help to edit or rewrite it?

Do you feel you have gone off the track? Have you lost sight of your true self? Need a dose of inspiration and encouragement?

Let today be the day. I look forward to hearing your story.

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Interested in working with me? Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com
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