
October 25th, 2020

Be the Best Version of Yourself

You never know how far you can go until you go for it. T.S. Eliot


We’re in the midst of a major societal shift. On nearly every front, our lives are being dominated by a tsunami of disrupting forces of information overload, fake news, encroaching data, artificial intelligence and biotechnology advances; unimaginable only a few short years ago. Distances have collapsed and our smartphones have made global villagers of us all.

And if  this weren’t enough, there is the pandemic.

The times are demanding, to be sure, but in spite of the prevailing negative opinion of many, we will get through this period. It’s what humans do.

For the inquisitive, the curious, the imaginative and the courageous, a new order beckons, promising exciting advances in every field.

Even those at the top of their game are pausing, examining their options, looking for ways not just to do more but to be more. They are determined to live more authentically at a moment in time when authenticity, straight talk and truth are in short supply.

I’m reminded of the words of Saul Bellow, who wrote, “if you think that historical forces are sending everybody straight to hell you can either go resignedly with the procession or hold out, and hold not from pride or other personal motives, but from admiration and love for human abilities and powers which, without exaggeration, the words ‘miracle’ and ‘sublimity’ can be applied.”

We see life not as it is, but as we allow ourselves to see it. And if ever there was a time to take a fresh look at ‘everything,’ it’s now. Whether you are looking for new ways to improve your present condition or are, perhaps, in transition, one of hardest things in life is to know which new bridge to cross and which to burn down behind you. What makes the selection easier, though, is your level of enthusiasm and unfailing belief in yourself. Keep it going… while being the best version of yourself you can be.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay connected.

I hope to see you again soon.

Now that you’re here: Are you searching for the best way forward from here or are in transition? MY SIGNATURE AIM, when I work with my clients, is to help them get absolutely crystal clear about their direction and what they have to offer. If  you feel that you could use my help at this point, let’s chat. Text/call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

October 21st, 2020

Finding Meaning

Each man must look to himself to teach him the meaning of life. It is not something to be discovered. It is something molded. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In our COVID-19, challenging world, many today are looking for purpose, something to latch on to, something that makes sense with what they’re doing in their daily lives, at home and in the work place.

But here’s the thing. Inherently, there is no purpose in our lives – we have to find it ourselves.

Very few of us are Mozarts. We’ve got to become explorers if we are to find our individual answers. Finding your purpose is not usually a one-off event. It’s a process of trial and error, a deeply personal inquiry that leads to a continual search until you find it, however long it may take. Everyone goes at their own speed. The timeline varies by individual.

But it’s important because meaning or purpose gives you courage. It fires up your imagination and fosters the energy you need to “get out there” every morning. To be the the best version of yourself you can be.

Regardless of what triggers the inquiry or wherever you happen to be on your journey, something happens to awaken your consciousness to the fact you realize that you are all caught up in a life that is no longer yours.

For any number of reasons, you find your experience, education and observation have started to converge, and life is suddenly coming together in a manner it never had before. You sense the need to take a fresh look at your life, to take stock about what you’re doing and who you are.

There’s no simple answer to this search. I wish I could say there is, but there isn’t.

It all starts with listening. In her book, In America, Susan Sontag wrote that “Each of us carries a room within ourselves, waiting to be furnished and peopled and, if you listen closely, you may need to silence everything in your own room, you can hear the sounds of that other room inside your head.

Seeking silence involves finding a place and time where you be quiet for a period of time and have a honest talk with your soul…. and ask yourself a number of serious questions: Start with these:

  1. Am I being honest with myself about the direction of my life?
  2. Am I proud of myself?
  3. What value am I bringing – to my relationships, my work, and any other areas where I need to show up and contribute?
  4. Am I living up to my full potential or sitting on my laurels?
  5. Is what I’m doing right now moving me away from or towards my highest aspirations?

These are serious questions. Answering them will take an enormous amount of self-reflection, reading, thinking, journaling, watching videos, attending seminars, speaking with close friends, being willing to put down your old stories and look at life with fresh eyes, seeking professional help if need be. Whatever it takes…. however long it takes.

Connecting with yourself takes hard work, patience, humility and an unending belief in yourself.

No one but you can answer them, but over time, you’ll arrive at something that just feels right. When you find it, grab it! Run with it!

Finding meaning, living on purpose is a game changer. It isn’t for everybody but you’re not everybody. Keep believing in yourself. Trust yourself. Undoubtedly there will be some trying days. And it won’t always be easy, (nobody ever promised that) but when you do you’ll never look back and you’ll set yourself free.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay connected.

See you again soon.

Could you use a life coach? Need help managing change and thinking strategically? Let’s chat about it. Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

October 18th, 2020

Yes You Can.

Obstacles are things that a person sees when he takes his eyes off the goal. Mahatma Gandhi

In our world of constant change, in spite of the seemingly endless list of challenges we all face daily, there remains a community of accomplished men and women who, regardless of where they currently are on their journey or their life situation, are not content to rest on their laurels.

Whatever life throws at them they bravely continue to reach out, looking for more. Saying yes when the majority says no.

Always up to the challenge, determined to stay relevant, they are willing to do the work, to be the very best  of themselves and make sure they catch the next train before it pulls out of the station.

In the COVID-19 era, for some, that may mean sharpening their skills and stepping up their current game. For others, it could well involve reimagining themselves and setting out in a new direction.

The workplace is no longer the way it used to be. The very idea of work is changing. There is no safe middle ground.

Life is complicated. Living well doesn’t just happen. You need character, courage, alertness, determination and unwavering belief in yourself. Those attitudes and values have seen you through tough times before – and they will this time. too.

October 4th, 2020

The Magic of Creative Thinking

Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been. Alan Alda.


We hear about it everyday. Creative thinking. It’s the magic elixir to improve our lives and take us to new heights, but what exactly is creativity?

Creativity is an energy that that works in that ‘middle space’ when you are at your best, listening to your right brain intuition, following a hunch about a new idea… then filtering it through your left brain smarts and experiences to effectively make the best choices and bring your new goal or objective to fruition.

How can you foster creative ideas? There’s no one secret potions. Ideas come to people at all times of the day and night and in different places…. at four in the morning, perhaps, or while driving on the highway and, in my favourite, standing in the shower.

Whenever and wherever it happens, at some moment, after you have been mulling things over for a while, something clicks in your mind and you suddenly just know.

That’s the magic of creative thinking.

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.