
May 1st, 2022

Risk Or Opportunity?

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin againthis time more intelligently. Henry Ford.


At one time or another, for any number of reasons, we all face barriers and challenges but few as daunting as today.

Many are looking for new ways to improve their current situation and step up their performance. Others, some in transition, are searching for a possible new direction. Seeing the way forward is not easy.

On the other side of the many changes and challenges that present themselves are innovative, yet as unimagined new opportunities – if you are actively looking for them.

The future is how you see it – beginning with courage, self-esteem and clear-eyed resolve.

What do you see?

Risk or opportunity?

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay connected.  As always, thank you for reading me.

I look forward to seeing you back here soon.



Want to start a new venture or top up your current activity? Need to be inspired (again)? Read my approach to coaching. FOR A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.