
June 30th, 2023

Welcome Tomorrow

Live out your imagination, not your history. Steven Covey.

Yesterday was yesterday, the future lies over the horizon… beckoning but not here yet. What you do today determines what your future is going to look like tomorrow.

The thing is, how bright is it going to be?

Don’t stop now.

Never mind what everyone else thinks.

Keep learning, keeping growing and keep going.

You owe it to yourself.

Welcome everyday.

Start by welcoming tomorrow.


Stay interested. Stay interesting. Stay relevant. 

I hope to see you back here soon. As always, thank you for reading me.



Have you recently found yourself wondering if, perhaps, there is more you could be doing? Something more fulfilling and engaging? Or closer to the point, something that more reflects who you have grown into over the years?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring, to refresh your spirit and meet the many challenges of today’s new world? To help you move on to the next phase of your life?

You’re at the right place. If you are really ready, read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONVERSATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on LinkedIn.


June 23rd, 2023

Over To You

A lot of life is about the choices you make.

Some are more difficult to make than others. It’s always the most important ones that are the hardest.

The most fundamental one is how you view life. Everything flows from there.

Our society is entering a trying time. Buffeted by a steady stream of threatening, pressing issues, it is easier to think that the good times of the past 40-50 years are fast fading from view, or you can think of life as a wonderful, magical ride, albeit with with many bumps and unexpected sharp curves but well worth the ticket – and devote your time and energy to what you know really matters and holds meaning for you.

In his book, Seize The Day, Saul Bellow wrote, “If you think that historical forces are sending everybody straight to hell, you can either go resignedly with the procession or hold out, and hold out not from pride or other personal motives, but from admiration and love for human abilities and powers which, without exaggeration, the words ‘miracle’ and ‘sublimity’ can be applied.” Every day is precious.

Speaking for my myself, as far as I know, we only make the trip once; no one has reported back to the contrary.

So read his words again.

This time, say them slowly and out loud so you can hear your own voice speaking.

It’s your call. Life. Over to you…


Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay engaged. Thank you for reading me.


Have you reached a stage in life when you find yourself asking “Is this all there is? Are you wondering if, perhaps, there is more you could be doing or closer to the point, who you are being?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get to where you want to go to next? Something more fulfilling and engaging?

Want to dig deeper into life and “step up your game?” Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONVERSATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on LinkedIn.


June 16th, 2023

Life’s Special Moments


In these words I can sum up everything that I have learned about life: It goes on. Robert Frost.

Living at the speed we live today, it is all too easy to forget that time is so precious and that we need to constantly strive to make as much time as we can for the people we love and care about.

You can get so focused on the big stuff that you often overlook the small things and the events – especially when it comes to family and friends – that can make such a difference in your life and theirs.

Those special ‘magic’ moments that remind us of the human connections in our lives that are all so important.

Especially in our demanding, all encompassing social media environment.

PUT THE PHONE DOWN. Be more compassionate. Be kind, more patient. Listen more attentively. Share love and joy.

Strive to be spiritually strong, supportive and positive. Seek out those who exhibit similar attitudes.

At the end of the day, remember that it’s not only about you. It’s about others, too.

Listen to your heart. You’ll get to where you are going.



Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay engaged. Thank you for reading me.


Have you reached a stage in life when you find yourself asking “Is this all there is? Are you wondering if, perhaps, there is more you could be doing or closer to the point, who you are being?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get to where you want to go to next? Something more fulfilling and engaging?

Want to dig deeper into life and “step up your game?” Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONVERSATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on LinkedIn.


June 9th, 2023

Twenty Years From Now

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore . Dream. Discover. Mark Twain.

Life is a journey. It takes time to work through all the many challenges that come our way.

Dealing with change is job one in our new world. None of us are immune to the demands of society and the economy. It can be scary.

Beat back your fears. Stop listening to your inner and outer critics .

You owe it to yourself.

You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem and smarter than you give yourself credit for.

So walk as close to the beat of your heart as you can.

Life is all too short. Make the most of it.

If there is something your intuition is telling you to start, get out there and do it.


Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay engaged. Thank you for reading me.


Have you reached a stage in life when you find yourself asking “Is this all there is? Are you wondering if, perhaps, there is more you could be doing or closer to the point, who you are being?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get going (again)?

Want to dig deeper into life and “step up your game?” Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONVERSATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on LinkedIn.



June 2nd, 2023

Be Brave Enough To Listen!


Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill.

Like a pair of giant needles, technology and globalization have knitted us together. Whether we live in Toronto, Toledo or Timbuktu, our world has become a global village, increasingly interdependent, interconnected, demanding we broaden our world view, like it or not.

Broadly speaking, a world view is a set of expectations and biases we have formed that shape how we see and feel about people in other nations, even in our own neighbourhoods – each of them with their own unique world view.

Accommodation isn’t always easy but as distances continue to shrink, it is good to remember that, regardless of where we stand on the globe, most people are just trying to get through the day, striving to live out their personal destinies and be the the best they can be.

We are not the same, of course. Our cultures, religions and societal differences can make strangers of us all – but only if we let them.

The songs we sing, the stories we tell, sounds and words that to others may sound foreign, even threatening.

Still, particularly at this time, as the world continues to get smaller, meaner and less inclusive, more than ever, we need to look into our hearts and make a greater effort to narrow the gap.

And to be reminded that a stranger is only a person whose song or story we have never heard, if only we are brave enough to listen.



Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay engaged. Thank you for reading me.



3 QUESTIONS: Are you questioning your current life situation, wondering if you have it all right? Need help finding your purpose?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get going (again)?

Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.


For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.