Welcome Tomorrow
Live out your imagination, not your history. Steven Covey.
Yesterday was yesterday, the future lies over the horizon… beckoning but not here yet. What you do today determines what your future is going to look like tomorrow.
The thing is, how bright is it going to be?
Don’t stop now.
Never mind what everyone else thinks.
Keep learning, keeping growing and keep going.
You owe it to yourself.
Welcome everyday.
Start by welcoming tomorrow.
Stay interested. Stay interesting. Stay relevant.
I hope to see you back here soon. As always, thank you for reading me.
Have you recently found yourself wondering if, perhaps, there is more you could be doing? Something more fulfilling and engaging? Or closer to the point, something that more reflects who you have grown into over the years?
Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring, to refresh your spirit and meet the many challenges of today’s new world? To help you move on to the next phase of your life?
You’re at the right place. If you are really ready, read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONVERSATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on LinkedIn.