
December 31, 2013

Start Something New

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.”  Nido Qubein.


As you head into 2014, contemplating another New Year, the question, is this: Are you heading back into the the daily grind? Is it to be a rerun of the same old picture or would you like to refresh or, perhaps, change it?

Whether we realize it or not, all of us create the life we lead by the thoughts we think, the stories we are told and what we have learned and experienced along the way. From all of this, as we walk our path, we make choices.

Taken together, as a whole, consciously or unconsciously, the choices we make form the main structure of our daily lives and determine our life situation – where we live, our occupations, with whom we partner, the things and events we experience, how we view others, the brands we buy, where we holiday…the list is endless… you get the idea.

If you look around, the life reflected back to you is a direct result of the stories you have come to believe – and the resulting actions you have taken.

While most are quite content with their circumstances and wouldn’t change their stories for a moment – there are some, albeit only a few, who are not.

Often, they find their circumstance wanting. Unhappy, unfulfilled, wanting to do or be more, they park their dreams for another time… thinking it is too late; but it is never too late – not if you want to do it badly enough.

It isn’t for everyone, but if you have decided that now is the time to create your unique story, I invite you to read Chapter V Rewriting the Script in Life Without a Parachute. My hope is that you will find it helpful.

Being willing  to take a step back, to rethink and perhaps, re-imagine your life will take courage, but, then, you have lots of that. You have just parked it for awhile.

Today’s challenges are daunting but the opportunities are many. It won’t always be easy. Nothing of any value comes easy; but if you are up for it, if you are willing to expect the unexpected, have the capacity to love and believe in yourself, there isn’t a more exciting time than now to start something new.

I invite you to join me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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