
January 14, 2013

Moving The Mountain in Your Path

Everyone occasionally hits a road block of one kind or another. It comes with the territory, like that mountain that may be standing in the middle of your path. The one you can’t seem to get around.

Here are three suggestions – not that you didn’t know. It’s just that sometimes we all need to be reminded, especially in today’s over-heated market place:

  1. Stop trying to hit a home run. Get a single first. Then before you know it, you’ll be rounding third heading for home.
  2. Trust your hunches. They are usually based on a some facts you know, buried back there in your mind, just below your consciousness.
  3. Pat yourself on your back. Remember all that you have accomplished in the last year.
  4. Don’t try and move the whole mountain. Slice it up in little pieces and move them one at a time.

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