
February 3, 2014

Art of Changing in the Third Age.

“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

The winds of change are still blowing. Unabated, they continue to impact on every age – especially those in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s+, The Third Age.

Many in this Third Age are quite content to slow down and rest on their laurels. They are happy enough with their circumstances and wouldn’t change them for anything but there are some within this cohort who are not.

They still dare to dream. Restless, curious and courageous they are examining their best options – looking for new opportunities and different  paths. What they are looking for, I believe, in this age of creativity, is that “something else,” a breakthrough moment, a ‘aha’ idea or thought to take them to what’s next.

But how, many ask?

How do you take all that you have learned and experienced and find in that mix of your life, the elusive key to something new?

colour_outside_250For openers, here are five things you can do to get started:

1. Take some time out. Stop. Get out of your daily routine and get into a  “quiet zone,” a space or place where you can actually hear yourself think.  When was the last time you did that?

2. Become an explorer. Be willing to examine and, if necessary (hint: it probably is) unlearn much of what you have learned and to discard  some of your outmoded views and opinions. (There is a good chance a few are way out of date.)

3. Embrace uncertainty and welcome it with open arms. Expect the  unexpected. Stop trying to control everything; doing that only only  hinders innovation that leads to growth.

4. Colour outside the lines (again). Get out of the box. If you are really courageous, consider stepping out of the bubble. Listen to your intuition. Learn to read and follow the signs that will naturally come your way if you are open to recognizing them. (When you are you will find the help you need just when you need it.)

5. Trust yourself (again). Your head may lie to you. Listen to your heart. It is your heart that keeps you honest.

It isn’t easy. Nothing that is of any value comes easy, but as we age we must take the time to think about everything, to make what we think counts count, to sharpen our focus on what matters most and then create something new by practicing the art of changing in the Third Age.

 I invite you to join me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com


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