
January 28, 2013

Not Everything Is Made in China

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. Albert Einstein

There is a seismic shift going on, brought about by the merging of globalization and the technology revolution. The old world is giving way, albeit painfully and slowly, to the new.

There is no stopping this shift. But to stay in the game means we have to be willing to discard what isn’t working and embrace the new realities, uncomfortable as they may be.

Interestingly, as is always the case historically, when there is a huge societal shift, inexorably, existing institutions and practices begin to malfunction and atrophy. Inevitably, though, they eventually, always give way to a flow of new ideas, innovations and possibilities.

The thing is, facing this shift, what are we going to do? How are we to adapt and participate in the new global order?

Change is hard but it is always better to change before we have to.

Start with continuing to care and share, to extend a hand when it is needed, to do the right things rather than doing things right, to persist in the face of what seems insurmountable odds. Life isn’t only about the bottom line.

Stir in imagination, courage, the willingness to explore, to study, to work hard and then even harder, to sacrifice and to stand for the ideals and with the people we believe in.

These are the values that point the way to a better society, future growth and prosperity.

Not everything is made in China…

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