
February 12, 2013

Asking Questions

Continuous learning is dependent upon many factors. One of the most critical is to have an inquiring mind – and to not be afraid to ask questions.
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Questions are essential for growth. Many think that they have all the answers. For them their sense of security and self-image depends upon their thinking that they know it all and, worse still, are never wrong.

They try to understand everything in terms of what they already know – but what they already know is rooted in the past. When you stop inquiring you cutoff growth that eventually leads to the future.

To embrace what you don’t know means you have to give up your fear about not already knowing the answers. Learning and improvement only occurs when you are open to new possibilities and courageous enough to ask questions.

Questions like, “what if?” Or, “Why can’t we do it this way or that?” Or, “I never thought about that. Tell me more.” You get the idea.

One of life’s many axioms is that you can’t grow from what you already know and you can’t learn from what you are unwilling to experience.

[i]I invite you to follow me on Twitter[url=http://twitter.com/#!/thekite]@thekite [/url]or email your thoughts to [url=mailto:drew@drewsimmie.com]drew@drewsimmie.com[/url][/i]

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