
June 4, 2014

5 Things Successful People Never Forget

1. You have to do the work. There is a huge difference between knowing how or  what to do – and actually doing it. It isn’t enough to know. You have to take action.

2. We are all working for ourselves now. Whether you are the CEO of your own business or a CEO reporting to the board, in today’s tenuous economy, we are all self-employed, even when we are working for someone else – trading our talents and energies for pay and subject to the many challenges and vagaries of the market place.

3. Too many choices are not always a good thing.  With too many choices,you can easily get distracted and lose your focus. Best to concentrate your time and talents in one area. And do it well.

4. Ship ‘on the run.’ You will never be 100% ready. Don’t wait to have everything little detail nailed before you start that new project or seize a promising opportunity. Get out there with it. 80% of something delivered is better than 100% of something that never gets out the door. You can make adjustments and corrections as you go.

5. Every mistake you make is progress. The more mistakes you make the closer you come to your goal. The only mistake that can truly throw you off stride is to do nothing because you are afraid. Don’t let fear stand in your way. Do it anyway.

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