
September 29, 2014

Walk Into What You Fear

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Get out and get busy. Dale Carnegie.

Whatever stage you are on your journey, whatever your vision, one of the major things you must do is get a handle on your fear. You are not alone… we all grapple with it at one time or another.

Fear acts as a barricade separating you from much that is good and valuable in your life. Fear is what keeps you from being who you truly are.

It blocks inspiration and creativity. It inhibits and holds you back. It nourishes negative thoughts and cynical actions. It keeps you from loving deeply, from being authentic and from living to the fullest.

None of us are immune. There are many kinds of fear. At one time or another we may all suffer from one or more of them. There’s the fear of failure or of success; the fear of being found wanting by our peers and not matching up to society’s expectations; there’s the fear of losing our job or business; the fear of the future and what it may bring; the fear of not having enough money; the fear of not being loved, of being alone; the fear of being sick or dying. Then there’s the grand daddy of them all, the fear of fear itself.

Shaking off fear can be a lengthy process. It’s a powerful enemy. The question is: How to deal with it? Here are 3 suggestions:

1. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone. Resolve to stop making excuses why you are not doing this or that – and willing to do whatever it takes.

2. Your ego creates fear to hold you back – to keep you safe, but what it does is keep you small. It diminishes you. So acknowledge your fear – and go ahead and do it anyway. It’s never as bad as you think.

3. Taking decisive action is really about taking personal responsibility. If doing what you fear means being in an “un-comfort zone” so be it. It is only for a short time. Be willing to suffer short term pain for long term gain.

Courage always trumps fear. Whatever you fear, walk right into it. You will be amazed at how liberated you feel.

I invite you to join me on FacebookTwitter, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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