
November 9, 2014

The Rest Will Look After Itself

focus-drew-simmieI met last week with a client of mine. She wanted to talk about her business, more specifically, to tell me that she was not as bullet proof as she thought and, try as she might, sales were flat-lining.

She went on to say that she had already done the usual things that all entrepreneurs instinctively now what to do when times are challenging; she had reviewed her business from top to bottom, cut back her expenses everywhere she could – and cut them even further. She is servicing her existing clients and added new services to the mix. She has a good handle on her marketing strategy/activities but still the sales are trending down.

“I know I’m not alone, but that doesn’t help. What can I do?” she asked.

Stay cool, I replied. These are not usual times. Change is still impacting on everyone and on every industry. And, I added, you will need to work harder to create something your have not done before and bring even more value to the market place. Creating is hard work.

Tighten your focus – then tighten it some more. Work on solving today’s challenges, one issue at a time. Keep believing in yourself – and resolve today not to dwell on what you can’t do but rather work on what you can. Little by little, the rest will look after itself.

I invite you to join me on FacebookTwitter, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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