
January 3, 2015

Paint A New Picture Of Yourself

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start. Nido Qubein.


The holidays are over. As you head out the door on Monday, contemplating another year, are you going back to the same daily grind? Is it to be a rerun of the familiar old picture or would you like to paint a new one?

New is what the market place is all about today. Contrary to conventional wisdom, though, many great ideas or new products don’t come from just throwing yourself into a project or working hard at something.

They come from seeing new possibilities where none currently exist, from developing products and services we don’t even know we need or want. They come from being brave, curious, open to new ways at looking at things and constantly asking, “what if?” and “why not?”

“What if I tried this? or “What would happen if I did that? You get the idea.

How many times have you caught yourself saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?” How many more Uber taxis and Airbnb’s are there out there?

In our current environment, innovation – and the willingness to keep on exploring – is a must. All over the globe, in tiny rooms and garages, countless numbers of people are hard at work on their new ideas – wanting their share of the pie.

If you aren’t altogether happy with what you’re doing, vow that 2015 is going to be the year you are going to pick up the brush and paint a new picture of yourself. There isn’t a better time than – now,  while the paint is fresh.

Have you outgrown your current situation? Need to refresh your purpose? Let’s explore … email me at drew@drewsimmie.com Follow me on Twitter.

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