
February 12, 2015

Break The China

It’s our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
J.K. Rawlings

Every decision we make – every decision – isn’t really about what to do about a particular problem or issue that’s bothering us. It’s about who we really are.


There isn’t anyone who doesn’t have a problem of one sort or another. Some of them come out of the blue, totally unexpected, not of our making. Others have been hanging around for a long time, old baggage we refuse to deal with: a job we hate, an empty relationship that has gone sour, a client that keeps us hanging, a promotion we didn’t get, a changing business environment we won’t address.

Whatever the cause, they can tie us up in knots, keeping us trapped and unable to move forward

A friend of mine once said to me, “You know, Drew, with the exception of a truly serious illness or something similar over which one doesn’t have any control, all problems have a solution. It’s just a matter of how much the solution is going to cost and whether you are willing to pay the price.”

It was a hard answer. But sometimes life is hard.

The problems vary in intensity and seriousness and seem unsolvable. Being human, trying to contain them, we erect boundaries around them, trying to ease the pain. But it doesn’t work.

Sometimes the problem really isn’t that big, but other times, to resolve it – you have to *’break the china.’ So you can move forward again.

* Break the China. A old, polite English expression meaning do whatever the hell you have to do to fix it. And don’t worry about appearances.

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