
August 4, 2015

Managing Time Wisely

Time is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once. Woody Allen.

Leave it to Woody to put a funny spin on a pressing subject.

How many times have you caught yourself saying, “I can’t believe how fast time is going.”

Of all our possessions, time is one of the most precious, for when it’s gone, it’s gone. The demands on your time at work and at home never seem to stop. Everybody wants some of your time but you only have so much of it.  In a day there are only 24 hours. Here are three tips to maximize them:

1. Learn to say “no.” If someone asks for your time, check your calendar before you commit. Arrange a time that works for both parties.

2. Stop being a slave to the Internet and social media.

3. Review and constantly update your todo list. Keep asking yourself: “Is what I have scheduled to do moving me towards or away from my objectives? If the answer is no, take it off the list or re-schedule it to a more suitable time.

There are only 168 hours in a week. Best to manage them wisely.

Want to take your personal and professional life to the next level?
Ignite your spirit and refresh your purpose. Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.  Follow me on Twitter

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