
August 6, 2015

Dancing Between The Raindrops

It is practically impossible to escape the daily onslaught of bad news, whether you are hearing it on your car radio, reading your smart phone  or watching the latest disaster unfold in real time online.

The constant drum beat of the media, the never ending litany of fear, uncertainty and negativity can ruin anyone’s day, if you let it.

The naysayers and doubters would have us believe we are doomed. It’s only a matter of time they say….(who is they, anyway?). Don’t listen to them.

It’s all too easy to think, why bother? It won’t make any difference, you say to yourself. Don’t fall into that trap. As ominous as the sky may look, it is not falling in. It’s not. There are many people just like you, daily doing good, doing their best, moving ahead and making a difference in theirs and in the lives of others.

Life isn’t about waiting for the sun to come out. It’s about learning how to dance between the raindrops.

Want to take your personal and professional life to the next level?
Ignite your spirit and refresh your purpose. Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.  Follow me on Twitter

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