
May 25, 2009

In The Journey of Life…

In his book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman described a scene in which his mentor, whom he called Socrates, challenged him to come up with an insight, something of value that would be worth sharing with others. “When you have that, come back to me,” Socrates said to Dan. At length, after much deliberation, Dan finally returned with a response that was acceptable to his mentor.

It was this: “There are no ordinary moments.”

Living at the speed we do today, it’s all too easy to forget that. We’re so busy just trying to keep up, ‘staying alive.’ The days turn into weeks, weeks into months and before you know it, in the blink of an eye, years have slipped away. How many times have you heard someone exclaim, “I don’t know where the time went!”

Metaphorically speaking we are on an express train hurtling down the track. As we navigate life’s twists and turns, we make choices as to which car we ride in on the train. Sometimes we move from one car to another, but it’s always the same train going faster and faster… hurtling down the track to its final destination.

The pace is frenetic. The stress and strain is relentless. Life can catch up to you if you are not careful. We’re so focused on the big stuff that we often overlook the small things and ordinary moments that can make such a difference to our lives and those around us. The people and things that really matter.

So what can you do to reduce the stress in your life and make time for those unordinary moments?

There are many ways. Here are just five:

  1. Practice gratitude. Notice what you have. Be equally grateful for opportunities and challenges.
  2. Share joy, not negativity.
  3. Consume mindfully. Pause before buying. Ask yourself; do I need this or simply want it? And pay attention to the effects of the media that you consume.
  4. Decide how your day is going to go before you leave the house. Don’t let one person or one thing ruin your whole day.
  5. Choose your friends with care. If you strive to be spiritually strong, supportive and positive, seek those characteristics in others and help them develop these traits by living them yourself.

In the journey of life, there are no ordinary moments.

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