
May 6, 2013

Setting Yourself Free

When we are children and young adults, we are told stories – recounted for the most part by well meaning parents, grand parents, in-laws, friends, teachers, lovers, partners, work colleagues and society at large.


Over time, absorbing these narratives, gradually we formed a picture about ourselves – what type of occupation to pursue, whom we should marry, what we should think, how to act or react to a given situation, how things go, how to view life in general… you get the idea.

But you don’t have to be satisfied with these stories about yourself and what you are destined for – not if you don’t want to be for they are only labels based on others opinions and views. Not necessarily yours.

You don’t have to buy into them. You don’t even have to listen to the stories you tell yourself. They only serve to weaken you because you are always trying to live up to them rather than listening to what your heart is telling you.

Contrary to what many would have you believe, you are not what you have done or suffered in the past. None of us is perfect. Many of us have done things we shouldn’t have and inflicted unnecessary pain.

Vow here and now to forgive yourself and others. Move on, if that is what your gut is telling you to do. It is your irrevocable right to do so. You only get one life.

But here’s the thing. It all hinges on how badly you want to, how committed you are and how much faith you have in yourself.

It may well be the hardest thing you will have ever done – but moving on will set you free.

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