
January 6, 2016

Stand Apart From The Crowd

Never for the sake of peace and quiet deny your own convictions. Dag Hammarskjold


Each of us has a set of values by which we do our best to live.

Life being what it is, from time to time, these values get tested. Just when you think you have this or that nailed, you are confronted with something else. It seems to be one thing after another. The speed and stress can take their toll. The negativity can be overwhelming, if you let it.

It’s at times like these, when your courage is thin, whether in a personal relationship or in a business situation – that you need to remind yourself of who you are.

As you do, while maintaining your integrity, along with a sense of purpose, you’ll continue to reach out and to grow. In the process, you’ll strengthen your character and resolve.

It’s not what you’re against but what you stand for that sets you apart from the crowd.

Want to unpack your dreams and live a meaningful, more contented life? Read more. To get started contact me today at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 1.416.450.8867.  Follow me on Facebook and  Twitter.

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