
January 10, 2016

7 Ways to Expand and Grow Your Life Situation.

Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidance like accomplishment. Thomas Carlyle.


Ten days into 2016 and already I find the holidays are fading fast. The challenges of the New Year are coming back into focus. Time to put away the proverbial New Year’s lists of resolutions and jump back into the game again.

Before you do, though, as you are heading back on to the field, here’s one more list with some admonitions to keep in mind. Whether you are resolved to start something new or refresh what you’re already doing, they are not new or original but they will impact greatly on the success  of whatever initiative in which you are engaged:

  1. Get fit – eat healthy, exercise right and get enough sleep.
  2. Show more kindness and respect.
  3. Choose to be positive. Don’t listen to the doubters and nay sayers.
  4. Don’t just be open to change. Embrace it with open arms.
  5. Be an explorer. Search out and cultivate new opportunities.
  6. Don’t fall for the applause. What you did yesterday is history.
  7. Be the best at what is most important.

Want to take your business and life to the next level? Work with me. Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. I like nothing better than sharing my knowledge and experience with someone who wants to grow.

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