
January 14, 2016

The Choice Is Yours

If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. It you want to know your future, look into your present actions. Chinese proverb.

There is a great mystery to life and magic in, too. However secure and solid you think it is, it can change in a heartbeat. All around you people and circumstances are constantly in motion.

In today’s world, it is all too easy to lose sight of who you are and the people and things that really matter. Every day you are offered choices and make decisions, some larger than others, that will determine your destination.

One of the most important is to never give in to the overwhelming cynicism and negativity to which you are constantly subjected.

Another choice, of equal weight, is to decide how you view life. Either we’re all going to hell in a hand basket, so nothing matters anyway, or as the late Saul Bellow suggested, you can hold out not from pride or other personal motives, but from admiration and love for human abilities and powers which, without exaggeration, the words ‘miracle’ and ‘sublimity’ can be applied.

Whichever you decide, it will influence and impact on all your other actions.

Only you can make the call. The choice is yours.

Want to take your business and life to the next level? Work with me. Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. I like nothing better than sharing my knowledge and experience with someone who wants to grow.


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