
February 8, 2016

Clarity Of Vision

 It’s not what the vision is, it’s what the vision does. Peter Senge.


Vision is a mental picture of how you view the future, an idea that has not yet arrived.

Vision can come from two directions; either the left brain logical extension of what we currently know, and occasionally from the right brain, that brings new insight and awareness of what is possible, even when there is no evidence or proof to substantiate it.

Then, too, there is another space – the space ‘between” the left and right side – where logic and intuition, thoughts and feelings, past experience and the future potential all merge into brilliant insights, wonderful new inventions or solutions to long standing issues. We often call it a break through or an ‘a ha moment.’

A vision is something that comes from within, something that seems to be “driving us.” It  manifests itself as a desire to grow or improve. Embodying our hopes and ideals, it provides us with a sense of purpose. In moments of flashing insight, the vision brings us images and ideas of what is possible where none existed before. All that is required is for us to put the idea into action.

Sometimes vision comes in a momentary flash, but mostly it results from our normal thought patterns, little by little, step by step, a product of our learning more about ourselves as we make our way on our journey.

Whatever the source, what is so special about a vision is not the vision itself, but who we become on the way to making it happen, head and heart fully engaged; when we are working in that magical space, being truly authentic, doing work that matters and making an positive impact on those around us.

Want to take your business and life to the next level? Work with me. Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. I like nothing better than sharing my knowledge and experience with someone who wants to grow.

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