
March 20, 2016

Working In The Middle Space

Today’s marketplace isn’t easy. It’s interconnected, interdependent and global. It is a marketplace of infinite choices, environmentally sensitive, driven by technology and media dominated. It is a tough field.


It has created a new business model that demands that you work in a new space – reliant not solely on your linear, left brain side nor with an over emphasis on the creative, right brain side, but in using both, unafraid to listen to your intuition, then taking that information and filtering it through your rational mind to a new space, between the two spheres.

This is where you are at your best – following your hunches then using your smarts and and experience to bring your work to successful fruition. It is there where the practical and meaningful solutions for today’s today’s new market reside.

It is always a juggling act, but here are three tips to get you there:

  1. Have the courage to think outside of the proverbial box. That’s where the status quo isn’t.
  2. Build on a bigger future, even though you can’t always see it.
  3. Stick to your convictions – and do your best work.

When you do, wonderful things can happen. Life sparkles when you are open to new possibilities – working in the middle space, between the two spheres.

Want to take your business and life to the next level? Work with me. Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. It’s like having a personal fitness trainer but for your life and business.

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