
April 4, 2016

Do What You Love

Be who you are. Everybody else is taken. Oscar Wilde.


The other day, someone asked me what I think leadership is all about: More to the point, “what’s the secret to it” they wondered?

I have been writing and thinking and talking about leadership for a long time now. I’m not alone. Writers and consultants and coaches of all stripes have been selling books, holding workshops, and speaking about it as if it was some kind of arcane, mysterious secret; always with the objective of getting people to step fully into their lives and share their special gifts with the greater community.

Truth be known, though, there is no secret.

Leadership comes from within.

At the beginning of each day, leaders go out the door and deliver their service or product to the world.. They take action, analyzing what went well or not so well, reflecting upon what happened and then continually growing and learning, making corrections, doing what they instinctively know they need to do next to build their dream, constantly reaching out to meet their aspirations and objectives.

It is as simple and complicated as that.

The reason I am stressing action is because many people get all caught up in the daily distractions and obstacles that can easily dominate our day and obstruct our progress. They get stuck in their own minds, afraid of failing or to ask for what they really want. They never start.

They get into a rut. They feel the need to read just one more book, take one more webinar or one more workshop, thinking they need one more hit of validation before they are ready to begin to take action and create the world that reflects their lives and values.

The thing is this: You are already ready. You’ll improve upon it as you are out there, taking it to the world, making the corrections on the go, feeling more powerful and less fearful each day.

There are few needs of the human heart that are greater than the need to be heard.

Whatever your dream, vow that you are going to start building yours. Today. Take one step at a time. Work with what you have rather than waiting for what you feel you are lacking to get started.

Nothing propels forward motion, builds self confidence  and fosters self-esteem like personal accomplishment.

Get it out there. Go as far as you can. When you get there, you’ll know what to do next.

Need to be inspired (again)? Want to step up your game? Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. It’s like having a personal fitness trainer but for your life and business.

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