
April 18, 2016

Money & Meaning. Expanding Your Horizons.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it’s old dimension.
Oliver Wendell Holmes.


With this post today, I’m announcing a new direction of my work and the orientation of the Idea Lab.

I am changing course, expanding my focus from one based primarily on leadership to the power of the individual.

We hear and read daily about how the world is changing but, in reality, it is we who are changing. Change is not new. Down through the millennia, it has always been with us. Surprisingly, change doesn’t come without or from what’s in the drinking water; it comes from within when some brave soul is willing to challenge the status quo, or sees a new idea or application no one saw before, or who can’t suffer one more indignation in silence any longer.

They know that the sun will come up every morning. Life goes on….there are good people out there, everywhere, doing meaningful work, making a difference and making money, too. They are always looking for ways to grow and improve their lives and circumstances and those of others. Pessimism, irony and negativity have no place in their world view.

Sometimes, though, even people at the top of their game can lose their way or get bogged down. It is not uncommon, especially in this day and age.  Occasionally, they just need someone in their corner, to inspire and encourage them to look with fresh eyes and reach for more.

After a number of personal and business/career successes, they find themselves holding back, stuck in their comfort zones, seemingly unable to move ahead, not realizing that you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.

One of hardest things in life is to know is which new bridge to cross and which to burn down behind you. In the final analysis, you only have yourself to bring to your work.

Comfort zones cut off personal growth and creativity at the knees. The trick is  knowing how to get out of them. It is critical because it is outside of that zone that your magic lies.

Interestingly, the moment you reconnect with your special brand of magic, you immediately start growing again.

How to do that? That’s what you’ll learn at the Idea Lab, and in the process, I hope, find happiness in yourself by broadening your horizons and learning new things, moving ahead to what’s next.

Life is only a reflection of what you allow yourself to see. You can’t grow from what you already know and you can’t learn from what you’re unable to experience.

This is not for everyone, but if you find this resonating, I challenge you to dare to dream again, to push yourself to do more, experience more, and tap again into your greatness. You already have all the tools you need.

Starting Weds, April 27th I am moderating an exciting new seminar. It is being held at The Idea Lab in the Centre for Social Innovation in The Annex, 720 Bathurst – in the Mind Bomb Room on the cafe level.Time: 6:30 to 8:00 pm.

Entry fee is $25 per person, including a free Booklet, Ten Ways  to a More Meaningful Life. Hint: It’s about money and meaning!

It promises to be an enlightened evening. Space is limited. Please send me an email so we can save you a seat, and watch this space for more news.

Need to be inspired (again)? Want to step up your game? Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. It’s like having a personal fitness trainer but for your life and business.

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