
May 24, 2016

Untying Life’s Knots

Be faithful to that which exists within yourself. Andre Gide.


We all have found ourselves, at one time or another, when our inner flame was flickering, the fire burning low… thinking, do I have this right? Am I (still) running in the right race?

It doesn’t have to be a particular event or a life-defining moment (although often it is) but many are faced on occasion when they know that it is time to be honest with themselves.

Oh, things look all right but they feel all wrong. And that voice in the back of their heads? It just won’t let up. Time for a change they know, but what and how? More importantly, why?

The little voice is the voice of your heart, your inner being.  When you know, you know. In spite of copious advice to the contrary from your own tribe and society at large, this time you vow to break free from the limiting, safe strategies of your conscious mind and step onto a new path – one that leads to something more meaningful and that better reflects your current thinking and worldview.

The quest for authenticity doesn’t come without pain and dislocation. Life is complicated. It is so easy to get all tied up in its knots. Making changes is scary. There are no guarantees. Most people don’t dare. But you are not most people.

Letting go of outdated ideas, worn out ways of being in a world that is constantly evolving can be challenging and disruptive, but you can’t grow into the new until you are willing to put down the old. Doing that will be one of the most courageous things you have ever done.

Starting down a new path, searching for your own truth, isn’t about walking away from the world and the way it is. No, no, no… on the contrary, it is about wanting to plunge even deeper into life, doing something that matters, serving  others and, in the process, enriching their lives and yours.

It is about finding and doing meaningful work in a world that is becoming increasingly unkind, exclusive and fractious – yet still willing to try, counting on humankind’s better angels, ever hopeful in the face confounding evidence.

The choice is yours. Untying life’s knots doesn’t happen without hard work and sacrifice, but hey, who ever said life was supposed to be easy?

Are you (still) running in the right race? Stuck in the middle of your life, not knowing how to move ahead? We should chat.  Online or on the phone. Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com to arrange a convenient time to get together.  I’ll help you get going.

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