
June 13, 2016

Writing Your Own Story

Time is marching on, faster than you think. Every moment, of every day counts. There is no yes in yesterday. The thing is to spend today writing your story and not be following the script of someone else.

Don’t be so taken with the success stories of others and how they live their lives that you forget to live your own. You have everything you need to become what you are capable of becoming.

Don’t let others do your thinking, talking and deciding for you. Incredible things can happen when you decide to take control of your own life.

That means putting down your old story, getting absolutely clear about who you are, how you want to spend your days – and mostly importantly, why.

It means consuming less and creating more. It means discarding time-wasters and burdens that are weighing you down – and doing the things that truly engage your head and your heart.

Hold your best wishes and biggest goals close to your heart and work towards them everyday. Writing your own story is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do, but when you do it, you’ll set yourself free and would never want to go back.

Need to rekindle your passion, be inspired (again)? If you are motivated and looking for some fresh thinking, let’s chat.  Online or on the phone. Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

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