
August 9, 2016

Living Forward With Spirit

Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards. Soren Kierkegaard.


In today’s world of constant change, there is growing community of accomplished men and women who, regardless of where they currently are on their journey or their life situation, are not content to sit back on their laurels.

They continue to reach out, looking for a new vision, something more, something else to engage both their mind and their heart.

Always up for a new challenge, determined to stay relevant, they want to maximize their potential and get to the very top of themselves.

Curious and courageous, they see life through the front windshield rather than the rear view mirror. They are living forward, in what I euphemistically call The 3rdAGE.

Ring a bell? Can you hear yourself speaking as you read this?

Then you won’t want to miss my new, thought provoking 3rdAGE WORKSHOP. It isn’t just another run-of-the-mill, casual get together. No,no.no…. it is a pilot program for the spirit. A gathering of like minds who want to (re)invigorate their spirit, do something that matters and live more joyfully, with ease.

For some that might mean simply stepping up their current game and sharpening their skills. For others, it could well involve re-imagining themselves and striking out in a totally different direction.

The thing is, whatever it is, regardless of the quest, often many in this situation find themselves at an impasse, unsure how to move ahead, to get on with what’s next: More often than not, it could just mean identifying what form that something else takes.

Life can be complicated. Living well doesn’t just happen. But if you have been thinking about your present direction and are considering other alternatives, I invite you to attend. You’ll find all the details online.

Want to rewire or reinvent yourself? Rekindle your spirit and maximize your potential? Learn how at my 3RDAGE WORKSHOP. Want to chat? I’m easily reachable online or on the phone. Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

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