
April 9, 2017


The closer you get to your dream, the more your Personal Legend becomes your real reason for living. Paulo Coelho.

In the pantheon of traits that supports successful people, at the top, along side courage, stands persistence.

Persistent people never give up. They know the journey can seem long and sometimes interminable. Always, though, failure is never an option. They:

  1. Have a highly developed sense of purpose.
  2. Are always hopeful.
  3. Take a long term view.
  4. Are not afraid to ask for help.
  5. Don’t get frightened by uncomfortable thoughts or by not always having the answer.
  6. Are selective in to whom they turn for guidance and inspiration.
  7. Find healthy ways to recharge and nurture themselves.

And they know the only way to save their dream is to be kind and generous to themselves.

Did you know? I have started a new, inspiring workshop BE REAL. It is created for people are always up for a challenge and who want to be inspired, restore their sense of self and purpose and live even larger lives.

Want to find out more? I am easily reachable. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com.

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