
February 18, 2013

A New Ethos

A great rivalry existed among the beasts of the forest over which could produce the largest litter.  Some shamefully admitted having only two, while others boasted proudly of having a dozen

At last the committee called upon the lioness.

“And how many cubs did you give birth to?” they asked the proud lioness.

“One,” she replied sternly, “but that one is a lion.” From Aesop’s Fables

Each day, as we continue to recover from the recession, albeit, for many, slower than they would like, the new economy beckons, bringing with it new industries, new opportunities and new attitudes.

Values that many haven’t practiced for at least two generations are back in fashion. Just to name a few…people have rolled up their sleeves and are working harder. Conspicuous consumption is out. Less is more. Doing without if they can’t afford it. It’s quality not quantity.

Everything old is new again…

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