
January 14, 2013

Sunshine in a Madrid Unemployment Office

Every day we are offered choices and make decisions, some larger than others, that will determine our destination. One of the most important is to not give in to the overwhelming cynicism and negativity to which we are all daily subjected.

Another choice – of equal weight – is to decide how we view life. Either we are going to hell in a hand basket, so nothing matters anyway, or it’s a wonderful, once in a life time trip, albeit with some inevitable bumps along the road.

Whichever we decide will influence all our other actions. I, for one, subscribe to the second – the wonderful, once in a life time trip.

It’s not always easy to adopt that view, especially today, but every once in a while something will come along to reinforce that belief.

Like this flash mob at a Madrid employment office a couple of days ago.

It is difficult, if not impossible, not to smile when you watch this… courtesy of npr, there’s no holding back the human spirit.

http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/201 … ent-office

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