
December 20, 2012

Honouring the Children

Honoring the Children

Thursday, December 20, 2012, 07:29 AM

Children are the message we send into the future that we will not see. Neil Postman.

After only a few intense days the international press has already moved on to the next story.

Left behind, amid the wreckage of their lives, out of the spotlight, the parents and siblings of the children murdered in Newtown Conn., together with the families of the six teachers who also died in the massacre will begin the slow process of dealing with the grief of their loss and try to make sense of their loss.

For them, moving on will take a lifetime.

It isn’t only in Newtown, USA. It’s in every town, everywhere around the globe. The violence we adults inflict upon children on many levels, some subtle, others not so much, should make us all feel ashamed and give give us pause…

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