
June 22, 2013

Fresh Ideas are like fresh eggs

Technology and globalization have changed everything. We’re interdependent. Interconnected. Competition is coming from everywhere.

Fresh ideas are today’s coinage. Regardless of the size of your business, they are the life blood of growth. And they are directly related to creativity.

Ah, you may think, but I’m not creative. Think again. Consider these three common myths about creativity:

  1. I am not creative. Not true… we are all creative. Some are just more creative than others. We all have creative ideas. It is just that over time, from the time we started out as children and grew into adulthood, we have learned to censor our ideas, fearful of being scorned or ridiculed.
  2. Creative people always have good ideas. No they don’t… creative people always have ideas. Some are good, others not so much. Many are good but not practical.
  3. Constructive criticism will help you improve on an idea. No it won’t.

Fresh ideas are fragile. Like eggs. They can break easily if they are mishandled. Fresh ideas need nurturing instead of criticism.

If you’re stuck, looking for some truly fresh ideas and inspiration and are in the Toronto area, I invite to attend my new workshop, The Idea Mill. For all the details please visit my web site www.drewsimmie.com. Click on The Idea Mill for all the details.

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