
June 22, 2013


You study, you learn, but you guard against the naivete within you, as desire for drink is within the drunkard or love is within the lover. Henri Matisse.

The thing that I have come to see over and over again with people who come to work with me is that already they know what they want. They know what the dream is – and they know what they need to do. Yet they hesitate.

Fear is the culprit. It comes in many disguises wrapped up as self-limiting beliefs. Here are a few:

  • I’m too old.
  • I haven’t enough experience.
  • This isn’t the right time.
  • I haven’t enough money.
  • I’m over qualified.

Most of us, at one time or another, grapple with issues of growth. The fact that you are reading this now suggests that you, too, are probably in the midst of a growing cycle, seeking answers, looking for insight trying to figure out what to do next.

In the literature on life changes much is written about making a plan, following a proscribed number of steps, outlining your vision, setting your goals, picturing them clearly in your mind… but planning isn’t enough.

To realize your vision you need to take action and action requires a certain creative skill set – including exploring, risk taking, embracing change and insightfulness.

Like painting, growing, making a life change of some description isn’t easy. Courage trumps fear. Getting past it and developing and working on these skills is paramount. They are central to the process of change and growth.

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