
June 22, 2013

My way or the highway

When I was young I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. So I did ten times more work. George Bernard Shaw.

How often have you come across someone who insists that her/his way is always the only way, the right way? It’s called hubris. From time to time, many of us have engaged in the process. It is easy to fall into the trap especially when you are on a roll.

But thinking that you have all the answers falsely feeds your ego. When you engage in such behaviour inevitably, over time, if you are not careful you begin to stop growing. When that happens the doors to new opportunities close and your horizons narrow. That’s because needing to be right all the time restricts your ability to see another’s point of view and open yourself to new ideas and options.

Worse still, all your valuable energy is expended into propping up and defending your own position instead of spending it adjusting to altered market conditions and changing mores.

The road is never a straight line. Life doesn’t go like that. It’s always one step forward, two back.

Have you ever noticed that many of the most successful people are those who have failed more times than they have succeeded?

They are the ones who are willing to admit that perhaps their way isn’t always the only way.

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