
June 25, 2013

Taking the Next Step

It is always important to know when something has reached its end; closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters it doesn’t matter what we call it: What matters is to leave behind us in the past those moments in life that are over. Paulo Coelho. The Zahir.

How many times a day do we hear ourselves saying, “What if…?” or “If only…?”

In today’s world you can so easily get caught up in doing instead of being. Has that ever happened to you? I know it has to me.

You can get so focused on creating the perfect life, the perfect business, the perfect home, the perfect mate…. the perfect whatever. You are constantly striving, worrying about losing your place in the pecking order, winning or losing, protecting what you have while looking for more.

You get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

It’s at this point when you begin to think, hey, wait a minute. If I have all this stuff and I have done all this, why do I feel so empty? Boredom and ennui become your constant companions.

What’s next, you wonder and what do I have to do to get it?

That’s the point to to those open-ended questions “what ifs…?” and “If onlys…” They can provide clues to a possible new direction or vocation if you will follow up on them.

For some, when they do, the dreaming begins again. Imagining begins anew. When you imagine you open up to different possibilities, new life styles and different goals. You start exploring again and asking questions.

More often than not the answers arrives with the knowledge that it’s not what you are doing. It is who you are that counts. So you take a different tack, closing he door behind you and move on – this time working with your heart and not just your head.

And jump right back into the absolutely amazing game of life.

If you’re taking the next step and looking for some truly fresh ideas and inspiration and are in the Toronto area, I invite to attend my new workshop, The Idea Mill. For all the details please visit my web site www.drewsimmie.com. Click on The Idea Mill for all the details.

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