
December 23, 2019

A New Decade. Fresh Adventures!

Cheers to a new year another chance to get it right. Oprah Winfrey.


Leave it to Oprah to find the right phrase!

There’s a new decade knocking on the door. In spite of the cynics and pessimists, there are good things going on all around us and amazing stuff in the works.

All over the globe, there are countless people, quietly doing their best everyday for themselves and others, refusing to give into exclusiveness, greed and selfishness that are so ubiquitous.

They make an active choice to stand up what for they believe in and continue to work towards a better world.

Not blindly, but rather with a hard-earned optimism, they embrace the new year and celebrate another chance to get it right.

In that vein, I wish you a happy New Year… and all the best the coming year.

With this post I am taking some time off and will see you back here on January 6, 2020…in a new decade that promises fresh adventures. Get ready!

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