
May 10, 2021

Dare To Dream

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Finding the path to authenticity, the unique self that makes you you is the easiest and, at the same time, the hardest thing you can ever do. It takes courage, tenacity and daring to dream; but you can’t get the things you don’t first dream of.

The past year has been a strange, trying time for everyone. COVID-19 has affected everybody in so many unimaginable ways.

Most people are just waiting for it to be over and to return to normality, whatever the new normal entails.

Some, however, even those at the top of their game, sensing new opportunities, have been given pause to think about what is going on, to reflect upon how they are living and what they are doing with their lives.

“Have I got it all right,” they wonder, “and just need to top up my spirit and move further ahead with my current situation or could it be time to alter the arc of my life and take a different path?” Big questions, I know. I’ve been there.

To be clear, the pandemic isn’t over yet. The past year hasn’t been easy for anyone, but as we all begin to put the experience behind us, there isn’t a better time than now to REFRESH, REPURPOSE & RENEW.

Good news! That’s the theme of my new virtual workshop. It’s not just another meeting. It’s much more than that.

Think of it rather as a CONVERSATION CIRCLE, a small, intimate gathering of like minds, people like you, looking for ways to maximize their potential, power up their lives and become the best version of themselves they can be.

If you are still with me, feel that now is to be your time, and would like to learn more, this is a workshop you won’t want to miss. You’ll find out how to create a plan that moves you ever closer to a life rich with purpose, get clarity on your vision of what a successful future looks like, identify the steps to get there, and how to pursue your vision with passion.

Curious? I invite you to email drew@drewsimmie.com for all the details and to claim your spot in the up-coming session.

Life is a journey. It’s never too early, nor too late, for those who dare to dream.

Thinking about making some changes? Want to be the best version of yourself you can be? Need help getting there? Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

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