
August 31, 2023

Two Magic Spheres

Today’s economy is global, interconnected and interdependent.

It has created a need for a business model that demands we work in a new space – not reliant only on our linear, left brain side nor with an over-emphasis on the creative right brain side, but in using both. That means listening to our intuition but then taking that information and filtering it through our minds.

That’s where you are at your best – following your hunches, using your smarts and your experience to bring your work to successful fruition.

To say nothing of keeping a handle on all the craziness that is going on.

It’s a juggling act, but here are three tips to help you on your path:

  1. Have the courage to think outside the proverbial box. That’s where the status quo isn’t.
  2. Build on a bigger future even though you can’t always see it.
  3. Play the game of life with joy.

When you approach life as an adventure and a blessing you open up your mind to creative options.

Besides, where is it written that you can’t enjoy what you’re doing?

It’s all about continuous learning and personal growth.

Wonderful things can happen, life sparkles when you are open to new possibilities, working in the space between the two magic spheres


Stay strong. Stay young and make a difference.

As always, thank you for reading me.

I hope to see you here again soon


Have you recently found yourself wondering if, perhaps, there is more you could be doing? Something more fulfilling and engaging? Or closer to the point, something that more reflects who YOU have grown into over the years?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring, to refresh your spirit and meet the many challenges of today’s new world? To help you move on to the next phase of your life?

You’re at the right place. If you are really ready, read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONVERSATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on LinkedIn.

NOTE: Following my own advice, I am going to take some time off to catch up on my reading, sharpen my senses and recharge my batteries. I’ll see you back here in September. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

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