
October 7, 2013

Making a Change

drew-simmie-aischylosWhen you are willing and eager the gods join in. Aeschylus.

One of the common misconceptions about change, I have found, is that many who wish to, think it should happen all at once, in a some sort of cosmic flash.

It doesn’t. For most, change happens slowly, one step at a time, and never without doubts and, occasionally, sheer terror. It is a journey, a long journey of exploration, observation and inner contemplation.

One step forward, two steps back. However great your doubts and fears, though, your courage will prevail and overcome the obstacles.

Change occurs as the result of a multitude of actions you take as you learn and experience and, step by step, alter your course as you grow into the person you were meant to be, offering your unique gift to the world.



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