
October 10, 2013

You Have To Till The Soil

drew-simmie-working-vineyardA farmer, being on the point of death, called his two sons to him and said,”My sons, I am now departing from this life, but all that I have to leave to you is to be found in the vineyard.”

As soon as the old man was dead, the two sons, believing that their father had meant to tell them of some hidden treasure, set to work with their spades and ploughs and turned over the soil of the vineyard again and again.

They found no treasure, it is true, but the vines, strengthened and improved by this thorough tillage, yielded a finer vintage than they had ever yielded before, and more than repaid the farmer’s sons for their efforts.

Moral: Industry sometimes pays unexpected dividends. An Aesop Fable.

Even today, with all our technology and instant access to everything, nothing in life that is of any lasting value ever comes easy. Back of all your dreams and search for meaning there are no quick fixes. Every day you have to till the soil.

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