
October 17, 2013

Following your nose

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. – Albert Einstein


Scratch just below the surface of any successful entrepreneur and you’ll find that they are good at “following their nose.”

They “have an idea,” or a “hunch.” They’re not always exactly sure how and when they will arrive, but they have enough courage and faith in themselves to step on to the unknown road and start walking towards their dream. They know that if they keep watching for the signs, one thing will lead to the next, and ultimately they’ll get there.

According to Wikipedia, “Typically, intuition is regarded as a conscious commonality between earthly knowledge, garnered and processed by the rational, left side of the brain, and the higher spiritual knowledge that appears as flashes of illumination.”

Put another way… it’s that idea you have in the back of your mind, the one you may have been subconsciously carrying around for so long.

Intuition is an amazing thing. It take to you places you never thought you could go. All it takes is the willingness to start your journey. The great Universe will look after the rest.

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