
December 1st, 2016


I don’t know what my path is yet, I’m just walking on it. Olivia Newton John.


Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous.

Walk with the planners and the doers, successful people with their head in the clouds but with their feet on the ground.

Walk with those who have ideas, with zest to help, lift to create and desire to contribute.

Let their spirit light a fire within you, to leave this world in a better place than you found it.

Want to maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at my 3RDAGEWorkshop. Need help moving on to what’s next? Let’s chat. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com.

November 28th, 2016

What We Think We Become

Human beings, by changing the attitudes of their minds can change the outer aspects of their lives. William James.


Our thoughts form us. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we write and speak create our reality.

When we create a peaceful and harmonious environment in our minds we find it in our lives. What we believe about ourselves becomes true for us.

Want to maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at my 3RDAGEWorkshop. Need help moving on to what’s next? Let’s chat. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com.

November 21st, 2016

Getting Past Insecurities

We always have a tendency to see those things that do not exist and to be blind to the great lessons that are right there before our eyes.
From Paulo Coelho’s, The Pilgrimage.  


All of us are beset with insecurities of one kind or another. It’s just that some are better at dealing with them. Some not so much.

The list is long. We worry about what our partners and others think of us, We worry about not being able to compete. We worry that we’re not good enough, We worry about how we look and, one of my favourites, we worry that people will find out that we are fraud. You can add your own to this list.

The big question is how to overcome these? How do we attain a sense of contentment and peace of mind in this swirling mass of negative thoughts?

It isn’t easy but finding the solutions starts with one thing – our willingness to open up our eyes and face up to what we don’t want to face up to.

And that means taking responsibility for our lives, finding the courage to ask the hard questions and then working through the issues until we find the solution. One step at a time.

Want to maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at my 3RDAGEWorkshop. Need help moving on to what’s next? Let’s chat. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com.

November 17th, 2016

Working Safe Won’t Do

Almost always the creative, dedicated minority has made the world better. Martin Luther King. 

If you are still competing with the crowd, trying to look like everyone else or trotting out old ideas that clearly aren’t working for you anymore, maybe it’s time to rethink your proposition.

Here are three critical questions to consider:

  1. Who, specifically, are you trying to reach?
  2. What story are you telling them?
  3. What do you need to do to get more people to listen?

We’re in an era where the winners are coming from the ranks of those willing to step out in front of the crowd. To grow your enterprise or advance your career in today’s hard scrabble environment, you’ve got to continually innovate, tell your own story and work smarter.

What you don’t want is to work safe. That won’t do.

Want to maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at my 3RDAGEWorkshop. Need help moving on to what’s next? Let’s chat. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

November 14th, 2016

Being Who You Are

Every decision you make, every decision, is not a decision about what you do. It is a decision about who you are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do. Neil Donald Walsch.


In today’s ever changing, demanding world, it is so easy to become distracted – especially by the overwhelming presence of the internet, television and social media.

You can get so focused on the outward aspects of your life; your job or career, running from one thing to the next, worrying about money, your health, how you are seen and judged by others, constantly juggling time and tasks that you lose sight of what you are about and what you think is important.

Life isn’t about living up to other’s expectations or acquiring more stuff or meeting your goals and aspirations. It’s about listening to your heart, being real and being who you are.

Want to maximize your potential and get more out of life? Learn how at my 3RDAGEWorkshop. Need help moving on to what’s next? Let’s chat. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.