
November 19th, 2015

If At First You Don’t Succeed…

If you are not in over your head, how do you know how tall you are? T.S. Eliot.

Whatever your business or project there will be days when the challenges seem overwhelming and success seems elusive.

Whenever you hit one of those times, it is good to remember the old adage: If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.

Want to unpack your dreams and live a meaningful, more contented life? Read more. To get started contact me today at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 1.416.450.8867.  Follow me on Facebook and  Twitter.

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November 15th, 2015



Believe in discovery. Be an explorer. Life is a book filled with exciting possibility and promise. Live it from your heart and your story will touch people in ways you never thought possible.

Believe in joy, hope and sharing. Life is renewed when you share, even something as simple as a hug, a warm smile or a laugh.

Believe in love. Find someone and love them. Love will come back to you in manifold ways when you do.

Believe in compassion and empathy. It costs nothing to be kind and forgiving.

Believe in learning and in being open to new people and new ideas.

Believe in yourself and you own abilities. Believe in your dreams and in a greater universe. When you do, life will expand in ways you never imagined.

Believe in mankind’s better angels. Never let the cynics, doubters, and naysayers tarnish your vision of a better tomorrow.

Want to unpack your dreams and live a meaningful, more contented life? Read more. To get started contact me today at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 1.416.450.8867.  Follow me on Facebook and  Twitter.

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November 12th, 2015

Is It A Big Enough Dream?

Don’t be afraid to take a big step… you can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps. David Lloyd George.


The world is constantly changing. There can be no standing still. Not today. You are either moving forward or you are slipping back.

New times demand new, bold decisions. If the status quo isn’t working anymore, if the old dream has seen better days, maybe it’s time for a new one, the one you have been secretly harbouring but have been afraid to try. Your courage will trump your fear.

You owe it to yourself. Give it a try. You will never know how far you can go until you do.

The question is, is it big enough?

Want to unpack your dreams and live a meaningful, more contented life? Read more. To get started contact me today at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 1.416.450.8867.  Follow me on Facebook and  Twitter.

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November 9th, 2015

Where The Magic Happens

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Howard Thurman.

Today’s market is global, interconnected and interdependent. It is a place of infinite choices, environmentally sensitive, driven by technology and social media.

It has created a need for a new business model that demands you work in a new space – not reliant only on your linear, left brain side nor with an over emphasis on the creative, right brain side but in using both, listening to your intuition and then taking that information and filtering it through your minds, to a new space, between the two spheres.

It’s here where you will succeed – following your hunchs, but then using your smarts and hard-earned  experience to bring your work to successful fruition. It’s here where the practical and meaningful solutions for today’s new market reside. It’s always a juggling act, but here are three tips to help get you there:

  1.  Have the courage to think outside the proverbial box. That’s where the status quo isn’t.
  2. Build on a bigger future even though you can’t always see it.
  3. Play the game of life with joy. When you approach life as an adventure and a blessing you open up your mind to creative options.


Leading rather than just keeping up isn’t for the faint of heart but you have always

been brave. Wonderful things happen, life sparkles when you are open to new possibilities and working in the super creative middle space – where the magic happens.

Want to unpack your dreams and live a meaningful, more contented life? Read more. To get started contact me today at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 1.416.450.8867.  Follow me on Facebook and  Twitter.

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November 4th, 2015

An ‘Aha’ Moment

It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden.

The Zen Master poured his visitor’s teacup full, and then kept pouring.

The visitor watched until he could no longer restrain himself:

“It is over full,” he said. “No more will go in.”

“Like this cup,” replied the Zen Master, “You are full of your own opinions and assumptions. How can you learn truth until you first empty your cup?”


Zen Koans are insightful stories designed to defy rational analysis but provide an ‘Aha’ moment when the reader intuitively gets it.

The above story is one of my favourites because, to me at least, it perfectly illustrates how – when we are endlessly, fruitlessly searching for an answer to one issue or another – we forget one of life’s lessons unwritten rules:

You can’t solve an intractable problem with the same mind that created it.

Sometimes you have to come at it from a different point of view.

Want to unpack your dreams and live a meaningful, more contented life? Read more. To get started contact me today at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 1.416.450.8867.  Follow me on Facebook and  Twitter.

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For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.