
August 20th, 2015

Give Yourself A Pat On The Back

Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever had. Margaret Mead.

The constant flow of negative news stories and events can be overwhelming if you let it. The media dishes up a constant stream of negative stories and lowered expectations.

Coupled with constant change, the world is full of personal and business challenges. There is precious little time to refresh our spirit and boost our emotional levels – to “top off our gas tank,” if you will.

Contrary to conventional thinking, though, and in spite of the naysayers and doubters, the sky is not falling in. The sun comes up each day.

Living takes courage. Every day good people go out there, doing good work, being the best they can, doing their utmost for themselves and others and making a positive contribution. People like you.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

Want to sharpen you personal leadership skills or reboot your life?
Interested in working with me? Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com
or call direct 416.450.8867.  Follow me on Twitter

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August 17th, 2015

Nothing That’s Worth Doing Comes Easy

If there’s no struggle, there’s no progress. Frederick Douglas.

In today’s lightening fast economy, there’s no sitting around waiting for the right moment to present itself.

Whatever the project, you have to work in an open mode rather than a closed one, expecting one thing will lead to the next.

Wisdom often comes from experience, not from analysis. Every entrepreneur know that sometimes the information you are seeking many be available only after you have taken action.

Get it out there. Nothing that’s worth doing comes easy.

Want to sharpen you personal leadership skills or reboot your life?
Interested in working with me? Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com
or call direct 416.450.8867.  Follow me on Twitter

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August 13th, 2015

Make A Change

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The most satisfying, life affirming experiences in our lives are those things in which we are totally engaged – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Our lives are meant to be lived effortless and with joy.

If you are having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, facing another agonizing day of work that is chipping away at your soul, decide today that you are going to make a change.

There isn’t going to be a better time.

Want to take your personal and professional life to the next level?
Ignite your spirit and refresh your purpose. Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.  Follow me on Twitter

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August 10th, 2015

7 Habits of Highly Resilient People

We all have the right to have doubts about our task and even abandon it occasionally. The one thing we must not do is to forget it. Paulo Coelho.

In the pantheon of traits that support successful people, right up there at the top, along side courage, stands resilience.

The journey isn’t always easy and sometimes seems long. It is at such a time that resilience kicks in. Resilient people:

1. Have a highly developed sense of purpose.

2. Look for the positive in every situation.

3. Take a long term view.

4. Are not afraid to ask for help.

5. Don’t get frightened by uncomfortable thoughts or by not always having the answers.

6. Are selective in whom they look to for guidance and inspiration.

7. Find healthy ways to recharge and nurture themselves.

We all need to top up our tank once in awhile. If you feel the need, I encourage you to attend my brand new seminar,  The Idea Lab. 

I hope to see you there.

Want to take your personal and professional life to the next level?
Ignite your spirit and refresh your purpose. Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.  Follow me on Twitter

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August 8th, 2015

Keep Your Dream Alive

The purpose of life, after all, is to love it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. Eleanor Roosevelt.

The dreamer’s life is not an easy one. Our world has little room for someone with a unique idea, a new way of looking at things or a different method to deliver a product or a service.

Still, they persist. A good thing, too, for as Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us, almost always the creative, dedicated minority has made the world better.

Dreams don’t come without struggle and sacrifice. And they rarely happen overnight.

Dreamers know they are ‘out there’ by themselves. They believe in themselves. No one else has the answer for them.

They know that nothing replaces hard work and are totally committed.

If it is going to happen, it is their responsibility.

It takes courage to dream. If you have working on a dream and find that lately your spirit has been wavering, I invite you to attend The Idea Lab. http://tiny.cc/hzgm1x

It’s a new initiative I have put together, a different kind of forum, an amazing personal growth experience for people of like minds who are up for a challenge, who want to maximize their potential and set themselves on fire (again).

If you or someone you know is open to new ideas and are used to expecting the unexpected, knowing that one thing leads to the next, I encourage you to attend and look forward to seeing you next Thursday.

Want to take your personal and professional life to the next level?
Ignite your spirit and refresh your purpose. Contact me at drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.  Follow me on Twitter

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For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.