
May 12th, 2023

There Are no Ordinary Days

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Steve Jobs.


Life is short. Find your purpose and you’ll find yourself – and live each and every day to the beat of your own heart.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay on your chosen path.

Thank you for reading me. I hope to see you back here soon.


Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay engaged. Thank you for reading me.

3 QUESTIONS: Are you questioning your current life situation, wondering if you have it all right? Need help finding your purpose?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get going (again)?

Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

May 5th, 2023

Dare To Keep On Dreaming

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Finding the path to what’s next for you takes courage, tenacity and daring to dream; but you can’t get the things you want in this post pandemic, technology driven world if you stop dreaming.

Life is a journey. The challenges are enormous. So what else is new?

It’s never too early, nor too late, for those who dare to keep on dreaming.

But here’s the thing:

Is your dream big enough?


Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay engaged. Thank you for reading me.

3 QUESTIONS: Are you questioning your current life situation, wondering if you have it all right? Need help finding your purpose?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get going (again)?

Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

April 24th, 2023

Old School Values…

When you do the things in the present that you can see, you are shaping the future that you are yet to see. Idowu Koyenikan.

For some time, at home and abroad, America’s future as leader of the Western world is being called into question. The nation is besieged by a number of pressing issues.

So it is that the free world is watching with bated breath, hoping that the beginning of a turnaround that is so desperately needed could be on the horizon.

Enough already.

Out with the craziness of the social media circus, the distortion of the truth, fake news and deliberate misinformation that has so divided the nation:

And, once again, in with some of the old school values:

Like personal responsibility, common sense, decency, integrity, consideration for others, respect for the environment, for law and order and what is right and fair.

It’s going to be a long road; it won’t be easy but a brighter future beckons for those who still believe.

Old school values… could they be coming back into fashion? Who knew?!



Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay engaged. Thank you for reading me.

3 QUESTIONS: Are you questioning your current life situation, wondering if you have it all right? Need help finding your purpose?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get going (again)?

Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

April 7th, 2023

Dare to Dream Again

Each day we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. Buddha

We hear and read daily about how the world is changing but, in reality, it is we who are changing. Change is not new. Down through the millennia, it has always been with us. Surprisingly, change doesn’t come without or from what’s in the drinking water; it comes from within, when some brave soul is willing to challenge the status quo, or sees a new idea or application no one saw before, or who can’t suffer one more indignation in silence any longer.

They know that the sun will come up every morning. Life goes on … there are good people out there, everywhere, doing meaningful work, making a difference. They are always looking for ways to grow and improve their lives and circumstances and those of others. Pessimism, irony and negativity have no place in their world view.

Sometimes, though, even people at the top of their game can lose their way or get bogged down. It is not uncommon, especially in this day and age.

Comfort zones cut off personal growth and creativity at the knees. The trick is knowing how to get out of them, which is critical because it’s outside of that zone that your magic lies.

Life is only a reflection of what you allow yourself to see. You can’t grow from what you already know and you can’t learn from what you’re unable to experience.

One of hardest things, is to know which new bridge to cross, which new unknown to embrace, which next challenge to embark upon. But, interestingly, the moment you reconnect with your special brand of magic, you immediately start growing again.

This is not for everyone, but if you find this resonating, I challenge you to dare to dream again, to push yourself to do more, experience more, and tap again into your greatness. You already have all the tools you need.


Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay engaged. Thank you for reading me.

3 QUESTIONS: Are you questioning your current life situation, wondering if you have it all right? Need help finding your purpose?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get going (again)?

Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

April 3rd, 2023

Be Kind To Yourself

Go above and beyond for yourself. You do it for your family, friends and colleagues, but don’t forget about YOU! It’s important to include yourself… you are worthy of your own kindness, too. Stephanie Lahore.

In the pantheon of traits that supports successful people, at the top of their game, along side courage, always stick with it, whatever that ‘it’ is.

Persistent people never give up. They know that the mountain top often seems higher than they expected. No worries. Consistently they:

  1. Maintain a  highly developed sense of purpose.
  2. Are always hopeful.
  3. Take a long term view.

And they know the only way to save their dream is to be kind and generous to themselves.


Stay interesting. Stay interested. Stay relevant. Thank you for reading me.

3 QUESTIONS: Are you questioning your current life situation, wondering if you have it all right? Need help finding your purpose?

Need encouragement and someone with whom you could do some strategic exploring and refresh your spirit to help you get going (again)?

Read my approach to coaching. For A COMPLIMENTARY, CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION text/call me at 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.