
November 2nd, 2014

Working For Ourselves

The ever-growing IT revolution and globalization have pretty much wrecked a lot of middle class jobs and occupations. And doesn’t seem to be letting up.


In such an environment when individual performance is constantly being tested, the battle isn’t really between you and your competition. It’s between you and your imagination and…

  1. Knowing how to leverage your special talents – so you stand out from your competition.
  2. Having the right attitude – it’s always about attitude, energy and courage.
  3. Adding value – making a contribution, making a difference and being the best you can be.

Buzzwords all, but true. Whether we are involved with a start up or on a contract with a multinational, in today’s work place, we are all working for ourselves.

I invite you to join me on FacebookTwitter, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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October 30th, 2014

There are No Overnight Wonders

The roller coaster is my life; life is a fast, dizzying game, life is a parachute jump; it’s taking chances, falling over and getting up again; it’s mountaineering; it’s wanting to get to the very top of yourself and to feel angry and dissatisfied when you don’t manage itFrom Eleven Minutes. Paulo Coelho.


Life, indeed, is a roller coaster. It’s complicated and messy. It is determined, in large measure, by the choices you make – and more importantly, why you make them.

What is the dream? Do you have one? What do you hope for? What stories do you believe? What stories do you tell yourself? Are you adding value to the lives of others or frittering away precious time?

Life IS as roller coaster that’s true, but it can be the way you want to make it; if you see the vision, if you don’t let fear, self doubt and false judgment keep you from taking action, if it is good work and you don’t give up.

Sometimes you just have to keep going. There are no overnight wonders.

I invite you to join me on FacebookTwitter, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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October 27th, 2014

We Are All Connected Now

Like a pair of giant needles technology and globalization have knitted us together, impacting on every aspect of our lives.


Whether we are in Toronto, Toledo or Timbuctu,  we are living in a giant global village – interconnected, interdependent and demanding we broaden our horizons. Smart phones and You Tube have seen to that.

Broadly speaking, a view world is a set of expectations and biases we have formed that shapes how we see and feel about people in other nations and, indeed, even in our own cities and neighbourhoods – each with their own world view.

Accommodation isn’t always easy but as distances and time continue to shrink, it is good to remember that most of us, regardless of where we stand on the globe, are just trying to get through the day, striving to stay alive, better our conditions, to do the best by our families and those for whom we care.

We are not the same, of course. Our cultures, religions, educational backgrounds societal differences can make strangers of us – but only if we let them.

The songs we sing, the stories we tell, sounds and words that to others can sound foreign, even threatening. Still, as the world gets smaller, we need to make the effort to narrow the gap, remembering that a stranger is only a person whose story or song we have never heard – until we are willing to listen.

I invite you to join me on FacebookTwitter, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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October 23rd, 2014

Following Your Nose

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein.


Scratch just below the surface of any successful entrepreneur you will find that they are good at “following their nose.”

They have a dream or an  idea, a hunch that there is something they feel they should do. Often they are not sure how they are are going to make it happen but they have enough courage and faith in themselves to step out into the unknown and start walking towards their dream.

Intuitively they know that if they keep watching for the signs, following their nose, if you will, one thing will lead to the next and ultimately they will get there.

Intuition is an amazing thing. Too often, we give it short shrift., but if you are willing to listen, it will take you to places you never thought you could go.

I invite you to join me on FacebookTwitter, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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October 20th, 2014

Stick With It

Greatness is not where we stand, but in what direction we are going. We must sail sometimes with the wind, sometimes against it, but sail we must; and not drift, nor lie at anchor. Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Whatever your project, however challenging and demanding, if it sticks to your soul stick with it.

I invite you to join me on FacebookTwitter, connect with me on LinkedIn or email your thoughts and comments to drew@drewsimmie.com

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For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.