
October 18th, 2012

Leaders Go Over The Wall First

In changing times that demand new direction and creative solutions, real leadership is particularly critical. Without it, individuals and organizations of every size can easily stumble and lose their way.

There are many traits that make a leader. Among them, three, in my mind, stand out. A real leader:

1. Knows where she or he is going and how to get there.

2. Has the ability to stand fast in adversity and doesn’t whine about how tough things are.

3. Does the right things rather than doing things right.

Oh, and one more: When it’s necessary, and seems the right action to take, leaders don’t hesitate. They have the courage to go over the wall first, whatever the hell happens.

October 10th, 2012

Hang Out With The Right Crowd

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. Mark Twain.

Whatever your dreams, whatever you’re building or trying to accomplish, widen your circle of people with like minded folk, fellow travellers, who will nourish your soul, broaden your mind and lighten your heart.

The road is always a little easier when you are hanging out with the right crowd.

October 8th, 2012

Working Freelance

If you haven’t already noticed, the post industrial age is here – in spades. For many, it is presenting a number of challenges; particularly those who have found themselves out there, all alone, working as freelancers.

Not the least of which is how to get paid for your work. There never was a free lunch and working for free only goes so far, too.

So what to do? How can you build a business if you are doing what everyone else is doing and doing it the same way?

Here are a few ideas from a master marketer, Seth Godin, that recently showed up in my inbox.

There are no easy answers. You have to figure out what works best, step up to the plate and work from your strength.

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September 3rd, 2012

The Right Choice

Managing is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker.


These are just some of the words that describe the leading companies in today’s economy.

Whether you are leading yourself or your own business, here are three questions to consider:

  1. What real value are you adding?
  2. What major problems do you help your clients solve?
  3. How effective is your market strategy?

Doing the right things isn’t alway easy. In fact, in many instances, it is usually the hardest, but in today’s market place, it’s the only choice.

Oh, and one more question. How many of the words in the above list apply to your business?

August 2nd, 2012

Stay Young In Spirit

How old is old, Bernard Baruch was once asked? Old is fifteen years older than I am, he replied.

I thought about that the other day as I was standing in a line up at the cash, buying a bottle of wine for dinner. There was an attractive young woman ahead of me, buying a bottle as well.

As she was about to pay for her purchase, the cashier politely asked her for some identification; In Ontario you have to be at least 19 years old to purchase wine or liquor.

Now, I’m not good about guessing ages but she didn’t look anymore than 35 to me. From my vantage point she’s just getting started!

“I hope you don’t think I’m being personal” he said. “It’s the law.”

Her face lit up. Laughing, as she handed over her ID, she replied, “Mind? Are you kidding? I’m flattered. The way the week’s going I feel like I’m 40!”

She’s not alone. At some point, we all reach an invisible – or not so invisible wall, where we begin to feel we are getting old. Or think we are.

Some of us start resisting change, struggling with the new technologies, new attitudes and ways of doing things, complaining about how things aren’t like they used be… a sure sign that the clock is ticking.

The truth is, though, particularly today, aging doesn’t happen at any given hour or day. The process is not biologically set in stone.

We all have a choice. It’s a personal decision. As the days and weeks fly by, we can’t stop the clock. We can remain young in spirit, getting older, yes, but not old.

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.