
May 4th, 2020

The Passage of Time

Covid-19  Week 8 of self isolation

Time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind. Nathaniel Hawthorne.


The lock-down continues…. for many, patience and courage is running thin. We are all in our own boxes waiting to get back and back to life.

There isn’t much to say or write about this pandemic that hasn’t already been written or said.

But one of my favourite writers, Roger Cohen, in his New Yorks Times column on May 2, 2020, wrote a poignant piece Who knows where the time goes that I think sums up where we are all are at the moment. All in our own boxes, waiting to get out… start up again.

That’s what humans do.

Stay safe. Stay connected. Be considerate.

April 27th, 2020

Getting Your Future Right

Covid-19  Week 7 in self-isolation

The future depends on what we do today. Mahatma Gandhi.

I don’t have to tell you…. the Coronavirus has changed everything. Period.

The challenges are enormous. The question is how best to adapt to what will eventually become the new normal. For awhile anyway.

As you ponder your future, searching for insight and your best path forward, here are five questions to consider:

  1. How strategic is your thinking?
  2. How adept are you at changing?
  3. Which are the most effective social media tools for your service or product?
  4. Have you the financial resources to see you through?
  5. What is the most significant action you need to take right now to get started?

The path to the future is just up ahead…. getting there isn’t going to be easy, but hey, no one ever promised easy.

Stay safe. Stay connected. Be considerate.

April 20th, 2020

Build a New Model

Covid – 19. Week 6 in self-isolation.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckmaster Fuller.


Try as we might, we cannot hold back change. It is fruitless to try. As the pandemic continues to envelope the entire world, calling everything we are doing into question, many companies, even the largest, are on their knees and whole industries are faltering – unable or unwilling to adapt or change to the new reality. Millions of people find themselves suddenly, out of work.

But there’s no going back to what was and odds are the road to the future is going to be longer than we first thought.

To recover, to start up again is going to require as much courage, spirit and energy as we can muster.

Sometimes, like now, to build a new model, will mean summoning up the sheer audacity to do something you’ve never done before.

April 12th, 2020

We will prevail.

Covid-19. Week 5 in self-isolation.

Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which
guarantees all others. 
Winston Churchill.


As we enter into our fifth week it’s beginning to look like we will have more weeks of lockdown.

The above quote attributed to Winston Churchill was voiced during World War II, at a time when things looked their darkest.

Everyone stepped up to the plate. They knew they could do it and that they would prevail.

We’re in another war, this time against the Corona Virus.

It’s time again to be our best selves, to double down and step up to the plate. We can do it. This time, too, we will prevail.

April 6th, 2020

What The Virus Reminds Us

what-the-virus-reminds-us-together-apart-be-conciderate-drew-simmieCovid-19 Week 4 of self-isolation

There is only one time that is important  – Now! It is the most the important time because it is the only time when we have any power. Leo Tolstoy.

The Covid-19 virus has forced upon us all, individually and as a collective, the urgent imperative to examine our priorities and our values as we stare down what may be a long road back to recovery.

We’re all in this together. To get through this challenge, we are going to find out how strong we are because because the rows we have to hoe are deep.

Over the last 20 years or so, I’ve come to believe that there is a spiritual dimension to life and that there’s a reason back of everything that happens in life.

So it is with the crisis in which we find ourselves enveloped. The ensuing development of this world wide pandemic is reminding us all of how far ‘off the track’ we got.

It is reminding us that we’re all one, regardless of what we do or where we live, regardless of our religion, ethnicity or station in life.

It is reminding us of how precious good health is, of how special life is and how short the timelines can be, and not to fritter away our time and talents.

It is reminding us of the importance of family to each of us and society at large.

It is reminding us that the choices we make are critical. We can choose to cooperate, to help and share and support each other. Or we can choose greed, selfishness and exclusion.

It is reminding us that this can be an end or a new beginning, a time when we learn from our past mistakes and transgressions and pull together to build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

The time, indeed, is now. In the words of the Polish Nobel Laureate, Wislawa Szymborska, “We know ourselves only as far as we’ve been tested.” 

We can do what needs to be be done.

Stay Safe. Stay connected. Stay considerate.

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.